I’m still putting the T-Mobile Dash with Windows Mobile 6 through its paces. If you click on the tiny preview screencap above, you’ll see a transcoded version of a short video I recorded using the Dash smartphone today. I recorded to AVI (Motion Picture JPEG) format which records frames at 176×144 pixels. You probably don’t want to record a feature length movie in this format. But, it does a decent job of recording video given its inherent limitations. And, if you are not carrying any other video recording device, it is better than nothing!
Month: June 2007
Pocket Sharp MT: No Go on a Windows Mobile 6 PDA
I just tried Pocket Sharp MT 3.3 on a Pocket PC running Windows Mobile 6. It installs and starts up without any problem. However, it crashes immediately after I press the Refresh button after entering the information to post to this blog. I’ll try the Smartphone version on the Dash later to see if I have better luck with that platform.
MobileViews Blog Mobile, um, View
Well, in the category of, you sure took your sweet time to get around to doing this… I finally went over to AlexKing.org to download and install his…
WordPress Mobile Edition Plugin
If you visit this blog ( http://mobileviews.com/blog ), you should see a mobile friendly formatted view similar to the screencap above (viewed using a Dell Axim X50v running Windows Mobile 2003 2nd Edition). The top level page does not include images. However, viewing individual blog items does include images (if present).