Tag: mini-podcast

  • Mini-Podcast 12: Recorded in a Noisy Downtown Area Using an HTC Touch Pro2

    Although I only started podcasting regularly starting late last year (2008), I’ve been testing mobile podcast recording options for about two years now. I’ve tried a bunch of Windows Mobile Pocket PCs and smartphones, a LiveScribe Pulse Smartpen (which actually does a pretty good job of it) and an iPhone 3G. I would say the LiveScribe pen has the best recorded sound quality of all those devices. But, the problem is that because of the pen’s odd design and lack of a pen tip cap and pocket clip, it is not something I carry with me except when I know I am going to use it.

    It is a bit early to say for sure, but it looks like the HTC Touch Pro2 may be the right device for mobile podcast recordings. Its recordings have small but noticeable audio compression artifacts. But, I think the overall audio quality is acceptable for podcasts (especially short ones like my infrequent, so far, mini-podcasts). However, I was very impressed by signal-to-noise ratio (me talking vs. everything else) in this podcast which was recorded in busy downtown area next to a busy street.

    – You can listen to the podcast right now from your web browser by using the embedded player above.
    – You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes or this RSS feed.
    – You can also point your smartphone’s browser at mobiletoday.podbean.com to listen to or download the MP3 file over the air to your phone.

  • MobileViews Mini-Podcast 5: MobileAppsToday Podcast Name Change

    Anyone who has taken a look around lately knows that we are in tough economic times. And, unfortunately, I’m not anymore immune to it than any other ordinary person. The owner (WebMediaTrends) of the blogs I’ve been editing told last week Wednesday (Mar. 18, 2009) that business conditions led them to decide to shut both the MobileAppsToday.com and MobileDevicesToday.com blogs for which I served as the Editor. So, my co-Editor Bryan Barletta and I were both let go as of this past Friday (Mar. 20). I will, however, continue to write items for the surviving mobile industry focused blog MobileContentToday.com as a freelance writer. However, I will be writing on a much reduced schedule. You can read my announcement on that blog at…

    MobileApps & MobileDevices Folded Into MobileContentToday

    The good news is that the MobileAppsToday/MobileDevicesToday Podcasts were always my own personal side project. So, I own the feed and its contents. As you can see here, I plan to continue to produce mobile technology focused podcasts going forward. If you have topics or guests to suggest, please let me know. And, if you are interested in sponsoring the podcast or a podcast segment, please contact me for further discussions.