
  • MobileViews Podcast 132: New Google products discussion w/Frank McPherson

    Jon Westfall was on “special assignment” (the football game he was at ran late). So, I’m (Todd Ogasawara) joined by my old friend Frank McPherson on this podcast. He wrote a blog entry about the Sept. 29 Google new product announcements on his blog if you want are interested in his personal take on all of this.

    September 29 Google announcements

    – Nexus 6P
    – Nexus 5X
    – Pixel C Android tablet with optional Bluetooth keyboard.
    – New Chromecast
    – Chromecast Audio
    – Google Play Music – Family Plan
    – Google Photos gets private labels & Chromecast support

    Sidenote: Todd’s Google Fi Welcome Kit arrived

    We also discuss reports of Evernote’s decline Ref: Business Insider. Evernote is a favorite service/product for both Frank and me.

  • MobileViews Podcast 131: Ad blocking, iOS 9, iPad Pro, Jon’s thank you re: Delta State U.

    In this podcast, Jon Westfall and I (Todd Ogasawara) discuss:

    – Todd’s Shoutout to SunvalleyTek Int., which distributes HooToo products through Amazon, who replaced a malfunctioning combo portable USB battery charger, travel WiFi access point, and NAS with a newer model free of charge.

    – Ad blocking
    uBlock Origin and Adblock Browser for Android and iOS.
    Marco Arment reaches #1 on iOS Paid Apps within a day, then yanks his Safari web extensionad blocker, Peace

    – iOS 9 released- any issues?
    — Podcast app is awful (Jon switched last summer to Overcast because he was tired of Apple continually making Podcast app worse and worse)
    — Siri needs training and seems less responsive
    — Screen orientation problem
    — iCloud Drive problem

    – Jon upgraded a Mid-2009 MacBook Pro to El Capitan!

    Windows 10 build 10547 released Sept. 18

    – iPad Pro

    – Lastly: Jon thanks everyone for the support they gave during the shooting at Delta State University this week. It was much appreciated. I’ve learned two things this week: 1. There are a lot of people who care about me and 2. Members of the televised media are terrible human beings. You can read Jon’s full commentary here.
    NOTE: Jon is an Assistant Professor at Delta State University. We also discussed how communications and technology worked during the crisis period.

  • MobileViews Podcast 130: Apple, Google Fi, Amazon Prime video downloads, uBlock Origin

    In this MobileViews podcast Jon Westfall and I (Todd Ogasawara) discuss:

    – Next week’s Apple announcements. Will there be an iPad Pro? New gen Apple TV? Ref: 9t5Mac

    – Todd’s Google Fi adventure continues. Nexus 6 arrived. Still no Google Voice solution

    Amazon Prime Instant Videos free offline viewing on Android and iOS (Todd’s article on ExtremeTech)

    – Steve Gibson spoke about uBlock Origin for Chrome and Firefox on Security Now 523. It is a lightweight ad blocker and a fork of uBlock.

    – Jon bought Adonit Jot Script 2 (Evernote Edition): Night and day compared to first gen. Finally found a stylus I can write as fast with as I can on paper.

    – Jon’s Wow that’s cool moment: Shared History on Safari. I noted that Chrome has the same feature and works across platforms.

  • MobileViews Podcast 129

    Aug. 30, 2015

    In this podcast Jon Westfall and I (Todd Ogasawara) split our topics between Apple and Google.

    Android Wear interactive watch faces

    Cortana for Android beta (Extreme Tech)

    – Todd: Google Fi—nally. Received my second invitation after months of waiting. Ordered a Nexus 6. No “welcome” kit option during the phone ordering process.

    – Rumored new Apple TV “under $200”? Kind of expensive for Siri & apps.
    (Ref: 9to5mac)

    – Jon’s Mobile Decision: One Laptop is not all it’s cracked up to be… After 4 years of lugging my laptop to work and back, I’ve put an older Macbook Air at work, and am keeping the new Macbook Pro at home (and using it for travel). Instead of a bag, I’m taking a small portfolio to work (With full size iPad in it)

    Jon’s Spending Spree this last week… fun stuff
    – Apple Watch docks are starting to be designed for nightstand mode. Bought a Spigen stand on eBay for less than $10
    – Decision to rehab a 6 year old Macbook – 4 GB Ram upgrade + new battery = ~$100
    – Apple Watchbands (My obsession this last few months) – aftermarket fitness bands (3 for $30), adapter kits ($7), & paracord bracelet band off eBay ($20)
    Spring Bar Tool Set (for watch bands) – 5in., 7 Pc (Let’s you replace spring bars easily)

  • MobileViews Podcast 128: Best mobile platform for Microsoft Office? And, Android Wear fragmentation

    Jon Westfall and I (Todd Ogasawara) speak with special return guest Jack Cook in this podcast.

    1. Both Android & Windows Phone smartphone market shares lost ground to iPhone in 2Q15.
      Smartphone sales in China now at saturation level.
      96.8 percent of new smartphones sold are either iPhone or Android devices
      And now Samsung has decided to annoy power users – the Note line no longer has removable batteries or SD card, something power users claimed Samsung wouldn’t take away from them.
    2. Are the best mobile devices for use with Microsoft Office the iPhone & iPad?
      Deeper integration between Office documents and Outlook for iOS
      Jack has said in the past that he can just pick up where he left off across devices, but this isn’t just a Windows Phone only feature. is there anything you can do on Windows Phone that you can’t do on iOS / Android now?
    3. Jack encouraged us to take another look at Microsoft OneNote and read what’s new at:

    4. Android Wear fragmentation. Just like Android itself. It gained the ability to have interactive watch faces (interactive complications). But, the new feature only works if the Android Wear based watch is updated too. So, my Moto 360 can install but not use the new watch faces. And, it may be months until it gets updated firmware.
      Android Wear: Stay connected with interactive watch faces
    5. Google OnHub WiFi access point/potentially smart hub. My ExtremeTech article about this:
      Google OnHub is more than just an expensive WiFi router
    6. Jon’s latest (good) experience using ZipGrade in his teaching
  • MobileViews Podcast 127: Back to school Teachers’ Edition

    In this podcast, Jon Westfall and I (Todd Ogasawara) discuss:

    1. Former high flyers HTC, GroupOn, and StumbleUpon all downsizing
    2. Drones – the new Google Glass. From cool to despised
    3. Apple Boot Camp now supports Windows 10 installation
    4. Alphabet holding company for Google and spin-offs like Niantic Labs
    5. Jon’s App Pick of the Week: Threes (An oldie but goodie (1 year ago or so) tile game). Similar to 2048.

    Back to School Tips: Teacher Edition!

    1. – Send text reminders to students, for FREE
    2. – Scantron tests without the scantron, $7 a year
    3. Moodle – Best Learning Management System on the planet, for FREE
    4. VLC – Cue videos exactly as you want, drag drop via iTunes.
    5. EventZilla – Set up free events and email tickets… for FREE
    6. YouCanBook.Me – Syncs to your google calendar, students can schedule appointments.
    7. Classroom Response:
      Socrative – Web based clickers – Fun games
      Plickers – Paper clickers
    8. Evernote – Free or premium, best tool for organization.
    9. Google Cloud Print – Print to your office computer from your personal device. Or mobile device using a cloud print app.
    10. TeamViewer – Access network resources from home