
  • Vito Technology SoundExplorer: Sound Test

    Vito Technology SoundExplorer

    I’ve been toying with the idea of recording short podcasts using just a Windows Mobile Pocket PC or Smartphone. How short is short? About the time it takes to brush your teeth or less 🙂

    I posted four previous tests to my Blogr account at Thanks to Vito Technology, I was able to post a 5th test to that site tonight. I installed their SoundExplorer audio recorder on my HTC Advantage Pocket PC Phone Edition to make the test recording. Windows Mobile’s built-in recorder only records WAV audio files. These things can become large very quickly. And, some of the free web audio posting sites (like Tumblr) only accept MP3 files. Fortunately, SoundExplorer can record directly to an MP3 file and in various formats. I chose the higher quality 44KHz 16bit 96Kbps recording format to get the best quality sound.

    The 30 second clip I recorded created a 358KB file. This is much much smaller than the file size required to contain a equivalent quality 30 second WAV sound recording.

    One problem (to me anyway) is that I recorded the clip in a relatively quiet room this evening. And, wow, my voice sounds really boring. So, I’m going to make another test recording during the day outdoors to see if some real-world ambient noise makes it sound just a tiny bit more interesting and life-like 🙂

    You can listen to the 30-second audio clip I recorded using SoundExplorer at: MobileViews Mini-cast 5.

  • Opera Mini 4

    Opera Mini 4

    Since I ranted about Internet Explorer Mobile earlier, it seems fair to mention the other major mobile browser from Opera. They just released the Opera Mini 4 production (no more beta!) version this week. If you have a Java Midlet manager on your Windows Mobile device, you really should consider taking a look at this browser. It does a good job of rendering web pages of all formats (not just mobile friendly ones).

    However, while Java allowed Opera to port this easier to multiple platforms, Java also prevents it from providing a great end-user experience. For example, while the Menu and Back buttons in the screenshot above look like they are soft buttons, pressing the left or right soft button on a Pocket PC (Professional Edition) does nothing. I had to tap those buttons with a stylus to get an action.

    My gold standard for mobile device browsing these days is the Safari browser on the Apple iPhone and iPod touch. Nothing on a WiMo device comes close to providing that end user experience. However, if you plan to do a lot of web browsing on your WiMo Pocket PC or Smartphone, you probably want to learn more about Opera Mini 4 and, perhaps, give it a test drive. It will render those pages that will either break or simply look horrible on Microsoft’s IE Mobile.

  • Internet Explorer Mobile Browser Details Explained

    I used to use Internet Explorer a lot on my Pocket PCs and Smartphones. But, the lack of suitably mobile format friendly sites (though that is improving every day) and the huge number of RSS feeds that are nicely reformatted by Ilium NewsBreak (or whatever feed reader you prefer) changed my reading habits on Windows Mobile devices. However, if you are developing mobile-friendly websites or just wonder what your IEM browser supports, the IE Mobile Team posted two very informative blog entries earlier this year (May and June 2007). Take a look at…

    IE Mobile Standards Support

    IE Mobile Support of ActiveX

    The standards blog includes a section listing the elements new to Windows Mobile 6 that should prove especially helpful if you are focusing on that platform.

  • So, What About the Google Phone?

    Like most people I read the Google Open Handset Alliance reports with great interest (here’s MSNBC’s report if you haven’t read any of the reports yet). At the end of the day (quite literally in the case of writing this blog item), what’s the deal?

    First, no handsets will be available until the 2nd half of 2008. In Internet time, that is forever. The Symbian and maybe UIQ based phones will probably have some kind of response by then. Palm OS seems mired in development issues. And, Windows Mobile shows no signs of evolving much past where it was when the Pocket PC 2002 came out. Apple, of course, is the possible spoiler. But, um, Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt sits on Apple’s board. I wonder if…

    (Second) this is the reason the Google based phones will not be available for essentially another year and they have not signed up AT&T Wireless (which has the exclusive to the Apple iPhone). US mobile service providers Sprint (#3 in the US) and T-Mobile (#4 in the US) signed up. But, Verizon Wireless (#2 in the US and with a history for turning off features such as Bluetooth file copy and Bluetooth shared modem) has not signed but is said to be in talks.

    Third, Google’s strategy will probably assume an always connected model. Microsoft’s Windows Mobile has an excellent client software model. But, they too are focusing on model that assumes you are always connected (read my earlier rant on this topic at: Windows Mobile Focusing on Windows Live). Some of us (a lot of us? most of us?) spend part of the time either completely out of mobile carrier signal range or in poor data quality situations. For those of us in that situation, always connected is not part of our reality. Client resident software is a good thing.

    Fourth, T-Mobile is limited to relatively slow (but cheap!) EDGE wireless data. Sprint PCS has the faster EVDO available and has, I guess, some kind of WiMax plan. Unfortunately, they appear to have customer retention and net income issues (see this RCR Wireless News article).

    Fifth, it is very interesting that HTC signed on as a handset manufacturer. This was no secret of course. But, HTC has been (as far as I know) producing only Windows Mobile based phones up until now. And, IMHO, they are pretty much responsible for most of the innovation we have seen in the Windows Mobile space in the past few years. It will be interesting to see what the combination of their hardware design skills and Google’s software design skills creates. More importantly, will HTC’s top engineers be moved from Windows Mobile hardware projects to the Google phone project? This might mean a drop in innovation for the Windows Mobile space.

    Sixth, the presumed low price (Google is providing their phone software for free) of the new phones combined with their presumed coolness factor should make life miserable for Microsoft, Nokia, and Sony-Ericsson in the consumer space. The enterprise space is if-fy if you assume that Google’s phone must tie into Microsoft Exchange Server and IBM’s Lotus Notes to make inroads to the enterprise space.

    Seventh, and finally, although the Google phone does not appear to have the closed-system Apple iPhone issue (at least for now), it remains to be seen how much innovation we’ll see from third party developers. It’ll be interesting to see which developers get seeded with prototype phones.

  • iPhone Yahoo Pipes

    I’m constantly amazed by how enthusiastically websites are adapting to the relatively new iPhone browser. The latest one that caught my attention is the iPhone tuned site for Yahoo! Pipes. Access your mashup while mobile

    As the announcement’s title says, you can find it at…

    I just tried it using my iPod touch and it worked fine on that too (as expected). The one tiny gotcha is that the login screen is the conventional non-iPhone formatted web page. Fortunately, the Safari browser deals with it just fine. You are thrown back to an iPhone/touch friendly view after the login process is complete.

  • Back to Basics: Jumping Bluetooth Com Ports

    One of the two RAM DIMM sticks in my main PC went bad last week. So, I had to unplug the cables from the back, take the case cover off, replace the bad DIMM (lucky to have guessed on the first try which of the two DIMMs was bad), replace the cover, and plug all the cables back in. Simple, right? One would think so. But, not really.

    My Bluetooth USB dongle is on a USB hub. When I plugged the hub and other USB cables back in, I didn’t plug them back in to the same USB ports they were in before I took the PC’s case cover off. After I turned on the now repaired PC, I tried to Sync my Windows Mobile smartphone over Bluetooth. Didn’t work. When, I checked ActiveSync, it showed grayed out options. A bit of digging around revealed that the pseudo COM port Windows XP assigned to the Bluetooth dongle had jumped from COM4 to COM6. A bit of fiddling around fixed this and got things working as expected.

    So, if you need to pull cables from your PC, be sure to note which physical port the Bluetooth dongle is assigned to. FYI: This is an issue for the USB sync cable too. Although it does not suffer from the jumping pseudo COM port issue, Windows will not recognize your Windows Mobile device hardware and will have to re-recognize it. This should not require any intervention on your part. But, it does take a bit of time and may be anxiety causing the first time you see this. This has been like this for years. So, I don’t expect it to change anything soon.