
  • Linkedin Mobile Looks So Much Better on an iPhone/iPod touch

    Linkedin Mobile on iPod touch and T-Mobile Dash

    Linkedin is the latest big social network site to mobile enable itself. You can find the mobile friendly site at…

    It would have been nice if they adopted the “m.” prefix to reduce the amount of tapping on a small keyboard or screen. But, oh well…

    The real story here though is that once again the barebones display designed for WAP-ish devices like Windows Mobile that can’t deal with a rich web site design looks horrible compared to the much richer iPhone/iPod touch version. You can probably figure out which is which in the photo above. One is an iPod touch. The other is a T-Mobile Dash Windows Mobile 6 smartphone (amateur edition).

  • Motorola T305 Bluetooth Hands Free Speaker

    Motorola T305 Bluetooth Speaker

    I really don’t like using phone headsets. I’ve bought a couple of and have used them sparingly. But, they are just plain uncomfortable in warm weather environments. And, I can’t hear my podcasts clearly when listening to them in the car with one ear blocked. So, I finally got around to buying the Motorola T305 Bluetooth Speaker from a local Costco (under $50). It came with both a car charger as well as an A/C adapter. Best of all, it has a standard mini-USB jack for charging. So, my portable charger should work fine with it.

    I tested it with a T-Mobile Dash (Windows Mobile 6 Standard Edition) and it seems to work fine. It has a metal clip to clip it to the visor. Here’s hoping it is loud enough to use for those rare times I need to make or receive a phone call while in the car.

  • Microsoft Sync: Business Week Dissects this Car System

    Just found this in Business Week…

    The Secrets of Microsoft’s Sync

    Sync is is a Microsoft car product found in Ford cars that lets you control the stereo and your phone (via Bluetooth) using voice commands. Microsoft tried this several years ago with their Windows CE Automotive products that never really caught on. Given Ford’s slipping sales, Sync might have more traction if it were available in cars from other manufacturers.

  • Microsoft TechNet: Intro to System Center Mobile Device Manager 2008

    If you’ve been looking some info about scmdm (System Center Mobile Device Manager) 2008, Microsoft TechNet has a 23 minute video interview about it at…

    Intro to System Center Mobile Device Manager (scmdm) 2008

  • Now Redirects to Apple iPhone Dev Center

    While reading a PC World blog entry about Apple’s upcoming iPhone SDK, I learned about the site for people interested in unofficial iPhone installers. When I tried to visit the site, I was redirected to Apple’s official Developer Connection…

    iPhone Dev Center

    It (the official site) only has information about Webkit (browser) development now. But, we can probably safely assume that the SDK information will be housed there after its release.

  • iFrogz Vibez: The Little Speaker That Could

    iFrogz Vibez

    I bought this little Vibez speaker from iFrogz on a whim during their post-holiday sale period. It listed for $34.99. I bought it for $19.99. And, it currently lists on their site for $24.95. This thing is not going to give your high-end or even decent portable speakers any competition. However, despite its relatively low-fidelity, it sounds ok for what it is: A tiny speaker that works with anything that has a mini-plug headphone jack. I often use it to listen to podcasts when I am roaming around a room (I hate wearing headphones or earphones). The USB plug is used to charge the integrated rechargeable batteries. The charge seems to last darn near forever. I think the last time I charged it was sometime in mid-January. You can squeeze it down in size for carrying around. But, I don’t want to stress that plastic pleated mid-area. And, it is small enough to easily carry around even in the expanded state you see in the photo. Personally, I think music sounds ok on it too. It obviously has no bass range to speak of. But, it is fine for un-nuanced music. A mobile thumbs up for this little speaker.