
  • Nokia Video Tutorial: Ovi Store 101 for Developers

    YouTube video courtesy of Nokia

    Interesting video from Nokia giving potential smartphone app developers a sub-4-minute video tutorial on how the Ovi Store app submission process works. Registering as a publisher is free right now. More information can be found at…

    Nokia is using the same 70/30 (developer/Nokia) split that Apple user has with their developers. Nokia will not support subscription type apps. But, they do permit both free and paid app types (naturally). I found it interesting that they allow a large number of app and content types including Flash Lite, Java, Symbian S60, WRT widgets as well as themes and wallpapers.

  • Podcast 21: Conversation with Derrick Story, Pro Photog and Author, About iPhone Photo Apps

    The Internet is a wonderful thing. It gave me the opportunity to work with professional photographer and author Derrick Story for the past 7 years or so even though we have never met in person. Derrick was an editor at O’Reilly Media for much of that time. And, it was he who gave me the opportunity to write a bit for O’Reilly Media. He knew about my fascination with cameraphones even back then. And, I was thrilled when he asked me to write a handful of cameraphone hacks to his book…

    Digital Photography Hacks

    I remain fascinated with cameraphone in general until today. So, I asked Derrick to speak with me specifically about the iPhone and its photo capabilities for this podcast. Derrick provides some great information about using everything from the high-end (and expensive) Adobe PhotoShop CS4 to free and low-cost (99 cents to a few dollars) iPhone photo-related apps.

    You can find Derrick’s own blog at…

    …where he often mixes in iPhone related photo information with other digital photography info. If you found this podcast interesting, you definitely want to check out Derrick’s own podcast. And, in particular, download the podcast he produced on March 17, 2009. He provides a lot of detailed iPhone photo advice in that particular podcast too.

  • Windows Live Hotmail Web Beta Up and Running


    You wouldn’t think one Microsoft press release that is supposed to be about developers participating in their new app store would be so full of other news…

    Microsoft Gains Support for Next Generation of Windows® Phones

    But, it is… The same press release also mentioned that the beta version of the Windows Live Hotmail web site (note the return of the Hotmail branding!) is up and running at…

    You can see a screenshot of my boring Hotmail inbox above.

  • The Return of the Windows Mobile Theme Generator!

    It was interesting to read about the return of the theme generator for Windows Mobile buried near the end of the press release about developers involved with the launch of the new Windows Marketplace for Mobile…

    Microsoft Gains Support for Next Generation of Windows® Phones

    In addition, the new Theme Generator will provide people with yet another way to personalize their Windows® phone. The Theme Generator, available at later this year, will enable Windows® phone users to select pictures from their PC to set as background images, as well as choose colors to personalize their navigation bar, scroll bar and highlighted text. Once finished, their personal theme will be sent to their phone.

    Themes were one of the hot items when it first appeared for the Pocket PC years ago. In fact, I found it so much fun, I wrote a little Windows Mobile app to help people calculate how to properly crop or shrink a photo to fit in the Today screen and Start Menu drop-down.

  • Mostly Familiar Firms Signed up for Microsoft Windows Marketplace for Mobile

    It’s good to see a lot of familiar high quality Windows Mobile app developers signed up for the upcoming Windows Marketplace for Mobile (say that 5 times fast!). The press release…

    Microsoft Gains Support for Next Generation of Windows® Phones

    …is kind of hard on the eyes (at least mine). So, here’s an easier to read version of the list of initial developers signed up:
    The Associated Press
    Developer One Mobile Software
    EA Mobile
    Glu Mobile
    Ilium Software Inc.
    Jeyo Inc.
    Magmic Games
    Melodis Corp.
    Namco Networks
    PhatWare Corp.
    Resco s.r.o.
    ShoZu Inc.
    Sling Media Inc.
    SBSH Mobile Software
    Spb Software
    Web Information Solutions Inc. (aka WebIS)
    Zagat Survey

  • USAToday 1.1 iPhone App Can Post to Your Facebook or Twitter Account


    The recently updated free USA TODAY 1.1 for iPhone app has a neat new feature. You can post a news link directly from the app to your Facebook or Twitter account.


    You can see the result of posting an item to Twitter in the screenshot above. I have my Facebook account set to automatically read and post my tweets. So, everything I post to Twitter eventually gets posted to my Facebook account too. Now, if USA Today and other news apps would app the ability to save to Delicious, I would be very very happy.