
  • Podcast 28: Gadget Teardowns – CEO Kyle Wiens is famous for its detailed photography and text descriptions of gadget tear downs (mostly Apple products). They were the group, for example, that discovered the 2nd generation iPod had an unused Bluetooth radio in it. They took apart the Palm Pre and its TouchStone induction charger this past weekend. I spoke with its CEO and founder Kyle Wiens to talk about iFixit, their tear downs and their new user contributed tear downs.

    This podcast is 26 minutes and 47 seconds long.

    – You can listen to the podcast right now from your web browser by using the embedded player above.
    – You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes or this RSS feed.
    – You can also point your smartphone’s browser at to listen to or download the MP3 file over the air to your phone.

  • T-Mobile WiFi Hotspots in Borders Seattle’s Best Coffee Area


    I could find the T-Mobile Hotspot login in the AT&T hotspot splash page in Starbucks the last time I dropped by one with my netbook. However, I noticed that the Seattle’s Best Coffee (owned by Starbucks) shop area in the local Borders Book Store had an actual T-Mobile Hotspot instead of the grandfathered (for another 3+ years) access via AT&T Wireless in actual Starbucks shops. Looking at T-Mobile’s list of hotspots, I see that the wireless service is actually provided by Borders itself and that the Seattle’s Best Coffee shop area benefits from that.

  • Podcast 27: Celio Redfly Terminal for Windows Mobile – Conversation with Colin Kelly Jr.

    Although I’ve been a vocal critic of the Celio Redfly dumb terminal device for Windows Mobile smartphones (I own the original C8 model), Celio’s Marketing Communications Manager, Colin Kelly Jr., was gracious enough to accept my invitation to talk about Celio’s various Redfly products for this podcast. We discussed a couple of upcoming products too including:

    – Redfly Mobile Dock
    – Redfly for BlackBerry
    – Redfly for Android

    The podcast is 40 minutes and 30 seconds long.

    – You can listen to the podcast right now from your web browser by using the embedded player above.
    – You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes or this RSS feed.
    – You can also point your smartphone’s browser at to listen to or download the MP3 file over the air to your phone.

  • Blast from the Podcast Past: Podcast 4 with Ilium Software

    I just found out that one of my long time favorite mobile software development firms has a Twitter account. You can follow Ilium Software at…


    Ilium’s Ellen Craw and Marc Tassin were one of the very first podcast guests on the MobileViews Podcast (then called the MobileAppsToday Podcast). You can listen to it using the embedded podcast player above.

  • Podcast 26: iHound Software – Track a Lost or Stolen iPhone

    I had the opportunity to speak with iHound Software’s VP of Business Development (and one of the firm’s founders) about their iHound for iPhone app that can help you recover a lost or stolen iPhone. The app normally costs $3.99 but is currently on sale in the iTunes App Store for $2.99. Purchasing the app includes 6 months of tracking service via their website. The annual cost for the service is $9.99.

    Gary announced on the podcast that they just started providing code to enable other applications to use their service. This means, for example, that if a game is iHound enabled, if someone uses that app on your iPhone, it will broadcast its current position.

    – You can listen to the podcast right now from your web browser by using the embedded player above.
    – You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes or this RSS feed.
    – You can also point your smartphone’s browser at to listen to or download the MP3 file over the air to your pho

  • Video Review: Case-Mate iPhone 3G Fuel Rechargeable Battery Pack

    Case-Mate provided a review unit of their iPhone 3G Fuel – Rechargeable Battery Pack. I’ve got a pair of somewhat nit-picky issues with the unit. But, they do not detract from the product’s main purpose: Provide a convenient portable recharging solution.