Any info on availability/pricing of Project Gotham Racer for the Zune HD? The game was a favorite of mine on the 1st gen Xbox.
Originally posted as a comment by Todd Ogasawara on TechFlash using Disqus.
Any info on availability/pricing of Project Gotham Racer for the Zune HD? The game was a favorite of mine on the 1st gen Xbox.
Originally posted as a comment by Todd Ogasawara on TechFlash using Disqus.
5th Gen. iPod nano & Flip Ultra Video Recordings Compared Part II from Todd Ogasawara on Vimeo.
Based on the chance that the 5th generation iPod nano focused on the raindrops falling near its lens in the first video comparison with the Flip Ultra, I took both devices to a different location. You can see the two video recordings compared here. I think the Flip Ultra clearly dealt with dynamic lighting changes much better than the iPod nano. There’s no doubt in my mind that the Flip Ultra is a superior video recording device.
However, Cisco (Flip’s current owner) has a problem on its hands. Because, the iPod nano is a lot smaller, a lot more fun to carry around, and records video that is pretty good (though not as good as the Flip Ultra).
MobileViews: 5th gen. iPod nano Video Compared to Flip Ultra from Todd Ogasawara on Vimeo.
You can see my first comparison of the same scene recorded using the new 5th generation iPod nano and the Flip Ultra. Both record at 640×480. The iPod nano video seems a lot darker than the Flip Ultra video. But, I’m beginning to think that it may be because it auto-focused on the rain drops. If you look at both video recordings, you’ll note that the rain drops seen in the iPod nano video are distinct and in-focus while the rain drops in the Flip Ultra video are blurred lines. However, the scene beyond the sheet of drops is easier to see.
I obviously need to do more comparison testing.
Mini-Podcast 13 was recorded using the 5th generation iPod nano’s built-in microsoft.
Topics covered:
– Video camera
– FM Radio
– Voice memo using built-in microphone
– Pedometer
– Voice over
This mini-podcast is 4 minutes and 43 seconds long.
– You can listen to the podcast right now from your web browser by using the embedded player above.
– You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes or this RSS feed.
– You can also point your smartphone’s browser at to listen to or download the MP3 file over the air to your phone.
With all the interest in Smule’s recently released “I Am T-Pain” for the iPhone app that lets anyone sound good in a Karaoke-type app featuring T-Pain’s music, I thought there might be interest in a conversation I had with Smule CTO & co-founder Ge Wang back in January of this year. You can find the podcast in the player embedded above. You can also find this podcast in the Podcast catalog on iTunes.
Although I only started podcasting regularly starting late last year (2008), I’ve been testing mobile podcast recording options for about two years now. I’ve tried a bunch of Windows Mobile Pocket PCs and smartphones, a LiveScribe Pulse Smartpen (which actually does a pretty good job of it) and an iPhone 3G. I would say the LiveScribe pen has the best recorded sound quality of all those devices. But, the problem is that because of the pen’s odd design and lack of a pen tip cap and pocket clip, it is not something I carry with me except when I know I am going to use it.
It is a bit early to say for sure, but it looks like the HTC Touch Pro2 may be the right device for mobile podcast recordings. Its recordings have small but noticeable audio compression artifacts. But, I think the overall audio quality is acceptable for podcasts (especially short ones like my infrequent, so far, mini-podcasts). However, I was very impressed by signal-to-noise ratio (me talking vs. everything else) in this podcast which was recorded in busy downtown area next to a busy street.
– You can listen to the podcast right now from your web browser by using the embedded player above.
– You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes or this RSS feed.
– You can also point your smartphone’s browser at to listen to or download the MP3 file over the air to your phone.