The Android OS 2.3.4 update hit my Nexus One on May 3, 2011. Since the N1 does not have a front-facing camera, it didn’t get the Google Talk video chat option.
Android OS 2.3.4 Update for Nexus One
8 Apps Booted off my Droid
Android 1.0 design decisions continue to plague my Android experience. I booted 8 apps off of my Droid today to get back some much needed system storage space. Of the 8 apps booted off only Firefox allowed itself to be moved to SD flash storage. However, it is so slow on the Droid, I decided to uninstall it. Two of the apps that would not install to an SD were actually small and did not impact the storage situation much. The 7 apps that do not relocate to an SD card and got booted off are:
CNBC 0.344
Google Goggles 3.38
Google Reader 2.29
INRIX Traffic 2.93
PdaNet 0.276
State Farm Pocket Agent 3.73
The Weather Channel 2.52A total of 15.47MB of app storage space was recovered by uninstalling these apps.
AT&T Remote Mobility Zone: Emergency cell site can be set up in 30 minutes
Interesting new rapid response emergency deployment cell site product from AT&T Wireless:
AT&T Remote Mobility Zone Aids Critical Communications in Emergency and Disaster Situations
AT&T Remote Mobility Zone allows organizations to set up their own cell sites during a disaster scenario. […] With AT&T Remote Mobility Zone, users can set up a cell site in less than 30 minutes.
T-Mobile Bobsled Facebook Voice Service Turned Off
Well, T-Mobile’s Bobsled Facebook voice chat service didn’t last very long (one week). From moconews:
Bobsled Goes Off The Tracks: T-Mobile Suspends Its Facebook Voice Service
I didn’t even get a chance to try it before it was turned off. 🙂
Nintendo DS Lite Discontinued. End of GBA Support
Read this item in GamePro.
Nintendo Axes Game Boy Advance Support
What surprised me is that the DS Lite was a supported product up until now. It released in the U.S. in June 11, 2006.