
  • Podcast 55: Smule CTO Ge Wang talks about Khush acquisition & creative music apps

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    Todd Ogasawara speaks with Smule CTO and co-founder Ge Wang about the firm’s recent acquisition of Khush. Both companies create creative music apps for iOS.

    From December 2011

  • Spider-Man AR Book for iPad & iPhone: Add augmented reality to a read-aloud photo book.

    The Spider-man movie series gets rebooted this week with a new cast and a different take of the character’s history. Young early readers who might find the movie itself a bit too intense might enjoy Disney’s $2.99…

    Spider-Man AR Book

    It features photos from the upcoming movie and a story line that retells the Spider-man origin that is mostly faithful to the 1962 Amazing Fantasy comicbook version. The treat for kids and adults alike is the Augmented Reality (AR) mini-activities that puts the iPad user literally in the picture of the mini-game. The app is compatible with the iPhone 4 & 4S as well as the iPad 2 and the 3rd generation iPad.

    FYI: If you are familiar with Spider-man’s history, the story in this app-book does not provide spoilers for the film itself since it only takes you up to an earlier point in the movie.

    Sony Pictures has a free Spider-man AR app for the same iOS devices. This one requires you to go into the real world to find AR markers that activate animations in the app (marketing app). You can find this app here…

    The Amazing Spider-Man AR


  • Apps updated for my iPhone or iPad in the past week: 37

    Thirty-seven (37) apps were updated for my iPhone or iPad in the past week. Here’s a summary of the updates I found interesting.


  • Photos from a visit to the Missile Defense Agency’s Sea-based X-band Radar Vessel

    I’ve long wondered what the U.S. Defense Department Ballistic Missile Defense System’s Sea-based X-band Radar (SBX-1) vessel was like close-up whenever it docked its massive frame in Pearl Harbor. The SBX-1 is a semi-submersible self-propelled, mobile radar station designed to operate in high winds and heavy seas. Today, I got the chance to find out thanks the efforts of Honolulu-based technologist and radio show host Burt Lum and the hospitality of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Defense Department Ballistic Missile Defense System. Eleven people were allowed to tour the ship and learn more about our occasional visitor. You can see a lot of what I saw in the 25 photos posted here. You can click on any of the photos to see it in full resolution.

  • Apps updated for my iPhone or iPad in the past week: 38

    Thirty eight (38) apps were updated for my iPhone or iPad in the past week. Here’s a summary of the updates that I found interesting.

  • Why it doesn’t matter that Microsoft alienated its hardware partners with the Surface tablet announcement

    There was a lot of speculation about what Microsoft would announce on their June 18 mystery event. Some speculators dismissed the possibility that Microsoft would announce their own branded tablet as they ended up doing because of the belief that that Microsoft would not alienate their hardware partners. Yet, as Reuters reports, only a few big hardware partners were notified days before the event. And, some like Acer and Asus were left completely in the dark.

    Microsoft kept PC partners in dark about Surface

    Let’s take a look at a brief history of Microsoft and its touch screen mobile device hardware partners to understand why it doesn’t matter if the Microsoft Surface tablet alienate hardware partners.