Category: Mobile Devices

  • Engadget Describes the Limits of Verizon’s Unlimited Plans

    Engadget points out the limits of the new Verizon Wireless Unlimited Plans. It looks like the way to read the three offerings are: Somewhat unlimited, sort of unlimited, and unlimited but pricey. These plans can also have two-person and three-person family plans (Sprint and T-Mobile family plans include up to 5 phones if I recall correctly. Not sure what the AT&T Wireless family plans look like).

    Addendum: It looks like everyone else is joining the Unlimited Club. AT&T Wireless and T-Mobile announced similar plans at the same price ($99). And, Sprint PCS’ existing plans are so close that you might was well call it unlimited. Does anyone really need more that 2000 minutes per month plus free nights and weekends? That’s like 1.5+ hours of talking per weekend (remember nights and weekends are free).

  • iPhone Searches on Google 50x More Than Other Phones

    Saw a reference to this on the AppleInsider site and followed the link to…

    Google homes in on revenue to phones

    …The key quote from the article that AppleInsider pointed out is: Google on Wednesday said it had seen 50 times more searches on Apple‘s iPhone than any other mobile handset, adding weight to the group’s confidence at being able to generate significant revenues from the mobile internet. I guess this means we’ll see even more cool web services and sites designed specifically for the iPhone (and as a side effect the iPod touch) while Windows Mobile and other smartphone platforms will have to be happy with WAP text sites and CSS-ed reformatted pages.

    You know, I think it was around 11 years ago that Charles Fitzgerald told Bill Gates that Microsoft needed to focus on the web (I was a contractor for MSN at the time, btw). I hope there is someone like that over at Microsoft now pointing out that they need to focus on the mobile web now.

  • PIM Backup: Free Windows Mobile Pocket PC Backup App

    Just read about this free Windows Mobile backup software…

    PIM Backup 2.8

    …on the Inside Microsoft blog. Note that this software only works with the Pocket PC or Pocket PC Phone Edition (Classic or Professional). Standard Edition users need to look elsewhere for a free backup solution (let me know if you find one) or use a pay version (which are reasonably priced IMHO).

  • Is T-Mobile USA Going to Survive? Should Microsoft Help Them Stay Relevant?

    I mentioned earlier this week that T-Mobile USA customers will still have WiFi access in Starbucks coffee shops due to a WiFi roaming agreement between T-Mobile and AT&T Wireless. Then, I learned that this agreement ends after 5 years (early 2013). It is possible they could renew their agreement at that point in time. But, it is also possible that AT&T could wave goodbye to T-Mobile at that point. So, T-Mobile’s hotspot service will be limited to Kinko’s/FedEx locations, some hotels, and and airports. Not real useful even at only $20/month.

    Then, I read over on Brighthand that T-Mobile USA is finally getting around to rolling out a 3G network later this year (or so they claim). But, there’s a wrinkle to this promise too… T-Mobile’s 3G is neither animal (UTMS) nor vegetable (HSDPA). This means that we can’t just take an unlocked 3G phone and use it with T-Mobile.

    This bad news is not limited to T-Mobile IMHO. This is also bad news for Microsoft. Why? I If T-Mobile becomes seen as an backwater mobile phone service, it will make it easier for its customer base to abandon it for AT&T Wireless to get widely available WiFi hotspot and 3G service. It also makes it really easy for people to decide to dump Windows Mobile and get an iPhone (or Google Android for that matter).

    Microsoft should think about investing in a nationwide hotspot provider and having it shore up T-Mobile’s WiFi coverage to help T-Mobile keep their WiMo customers happy.

  • Microsoft Posts: Troubleshooting BCM for Pocket PC/Smartphone

    Just noticed this blog post over on the Microsoft Business Contact Manager (BCM) Team Blog

    Troubleshooting BCM for Pocket PC/Smartphone

    If you are using BCM, you probably want to bookmark this blog entry.

    And, I continue to be amused when even Microsoft forgets the whole awful Classic Edition (Pocket PC), Professional Edition (Pocket PC Phone Edition), and Amateur Edition, um, Standard Edition (Smartphone) branding. Tsk tsk.  🙂

  • Social Micro Presence Sites for Windows Mobile

    I’ve become a fan of social micro presence sites over the past year or so. I think Twitter and Tumblr were the two that showed me the way and their value.

    Although all the good mobile web designs are being developed for the iPhone Safari browser, there are a lot of social micro presence sites that look and work fine on Windows Mobile smartphones. Here’s a list of the mobile versions of some popular micro-presence sites I’ve tried (plus one I haven’t – MySpace Mobile). Check ’em out…

    If you have a social micro presence site that works with Internet Explorer on Windows Mobile smartphones, please let me know. You just add it as a comment to this blog entry if you would like to share the information with anyone else who might wander by here.