Category: Mobile Devices

  • jkOnTheRun has a Detailed Hands-On Review of the HP 2133 Mini-Note Eee PC Competitior

    I’m still trying to figure out which mini-notebook to buy. The Everex Cloudbook was eliminated a while back based on initial negative reviews. The FlipStart looked interesting. But, it looks like its firesale price was because it is discontinued. I actually bought an OLPC XO. But, while it probably meets the needs for which it was intended (education in developing nations), it is not suitable for my needs (or my daughter’s as it turns out). The thing that started this whole low-end ultraportable trend, the Asus Eee PC, is still my most likely purchase. I’m currently waiting for the new Eee PC 900 to hit the market before buying anything. In the meantime, HP announced the HP 2122 Mini-Note that looks like a contender. jkOnTheRun has an excellent review with lots of photos of this ultraportable at…

    jkOnTheRun review- hands on with the HP Mini-Note UMPC

    It looks like it will start shipping next week. Debating whether I should buy the HP or the Asus Eee now. Hmm… I wonder if the HP Mini-Note can boot from any USB connected CD/DVD drive if I ever need to re-install Linux or Vista on it?
    I should also note that the official Asus Eee PC site is nearly useless for information about their own products. If you want more up-to-date Eee PC news and information, this is the blog/site I head to for Eee info.

  • The iPod touch Paradox: It is Easier to Control a non-touch iPod by Just Touch

    The funny thing about the iPod touch is that I use it for everything except listening to music and podcasts. Why? Touch devices like the iPod touch and Pocket PC are two-handed devices. Both require you to cradle it one hand and manipulate it with the other. Non-touch iPods, like non-touch Windows Mobile smartphones, are designed from the ground up to be one-handed devices. I can adjust the volume, go backwards and forwards through a song list, pause or play on a non-touch iPod without looking at the navigation wheel. This is pretty much impossible for me on the iPod touch.

    I’m heading to Seattle to attend the Microsoft Global MVP Summit next week. And, I was just debating whether to take an iPod video or iPod touch with me. Yeah, it would be more P.C. to take a Zune, but as I’ve mentioned here before, it takes forever to get video podcasts and other video files on the 1st generation Zune. And, I’m planning to catch up on a bunch of video podcasts on the flights to and from SeaTac. I’ll probably take the iPod touch to get a better video viewing experience. But, I really wish Apple had an iPod touch with a navigation wheel to provide tactile feedback.

  • Google Gears and Picasa Web Doesn’t Work on an HTC Advantage

    Picasa Web Google Gears

    Google announced a beta release for offline viewing of photos on the Picasa web site using Google Gears.

    Picasa Web Albums for Windows Mobile

    This release only works on Pocket PC type devices (Classic and Professional Editions).  I tried it on an HTC Advantage 7500 running Windows Mobile 6. Google Gears installed fine on the device. But Picasa could never seem to get into an offline mode. It kept asking to connect to a network.

    Still, it is interesting that Google continues to develop for Windows Mobile. I wonder if this will stop after the Google Android based phones are released.

  • Windows Mobile 6.1 Mutterings Part 2: Smartphone Copy and Paste

    Windows Mobile 6.1 Smartphone Copy and Paste

    Windows Mobile 6.0 Amateur, um, Standard Edition (formerly known as Smartphone) doesn’t let you copy and paste text. This is fixed in Windows Mobile 6.1. Pocket PC/Classic/Professional Edition users have always had this feature and may now issue a smug look of superiority at Smartphone users who will need to wait a while more before getting this feature.

    I wonder if the resurgence of interest in touch screens caused by the iPhone’s popularity will diminish the market for touch-less smartphones though.

  • Windows Mobile 6: Application Sampler

    Another article I wrote for’s Windows Mobile section went live. This one can be thought of as a kind of applications sampler. Despite my many (many many) complaints about Windows Mobile, it direction (or lack thereof), and basic platform design issues, one thing that is undeniable is that it probably has the richest set of add-on applications in the smartphone universe. The goal of my article is to give a quick but broad overview of the kinds of WiMo applications that are out there.

    Introduction to the World of Windows Mobile 6 Applications

  • Windows Mobile 6.1 Mutterings Part 1: Internet Explorer’s Brain Transplant

    Windows Mobile 6.1 Internet Explorer

    I haven’t played with Windows Mobile 6.1 myself. So, I’m not sure how much Windows Mobile 6.1 muttering I have to,um, mutter. But, here’s the first thing about WiMo 6.1 that interested me: Internet Explorer. The word is that WiMo’s brain-dead web browser is getting replaced by a browser that can deliver desktop experience (or as best as it can be on a tiny screen). Looks like the iPhone’s super Safari browser has pushed Microsoft’s WiMo team to finally bring the browser into the 21st century.

    The bad news is that 6.1 devices with the new browser aren’t scheduled to show up until the 4th quarter of 2008.

    The potential good news is that perhaps some of the ultramobile class notebook manufacturers many take a look at Windows Mobile for their Asus Eee PC class devices now instead of relatively gigantic Windows XP and ginourmous Windows Vista. The old Windows CE Handheld PCs were great. They should be brought back now that WiMo has a real browser to compete with the non-Windows UMPCs that are taking over the subnotebook market.