Category: Mobile Devices

  • NBC Videos for iPhone and Windows Mobile

    NBC’s mobile portal provides streaming video (including full episodes of some shows) on both Windows Mobile devices and the iPhone (and iPod touch). Head over to…

    …to see the site and videos. If you use an iPhone or iPod touch, you’ll be redirected to a site specific for them (see the screenshot above). You need to be patient with the video streams even when using a wireless LAN. It took about 30 seconds for it to buffer on my HTC Advantage. Then, the audio stream started without video for another 10 seconds or so.

  • More ActiveSync Weirdness: Does NOT Work with USB Hubs

    ActiveSync 4.5 has been working as well as can be expected of it (works about 85% of the time) on my PC running XP for a number of years now. I have a USB-to-mini-USB cable plugged into a powered USB hub that I’ve used with a number of mostly HTC Pocket PCs and Smartphones during this time. However, for the past couple of days I have not been able to sync any Windows Mobile device via ActiveSync 4.5 if they are plugged into any USB hub (I’ve tried two completely different hubs). The devices do sync (sometimes anyway) if plugged directly into a USB port on the PC itself. The hubs work fine with other USB devices (mouse, printer, flash card reader, etc.). So, I’m pretty sure the hubs, their cables connected to the PC, and the power cords (both are powered hubs) are working.

  • TyTn Windows Mobile 6 Oddball MP4 Video File Format

    The HTC TyTn is a great Pocket PC Professional Edition device. Mine was upgraded to Windows Mobile 6 last year and has been working great. I noticed one oddity about it that finally turned to bite me yesterday though. I noticed that the only video recording format supported is MP4. This didn’t bother me until I tried to bring video recording I made of the line formed outside of a local Apple store yesterday. Nothing I had on a Windows PC or Mac could bring the MP4 file in and edit it. I tried Windows Mobile Maker, VLC Player (which can transcode files), iSquint, and iMovie. All of them complained about the files audio track. I finally ended up uploading the raw MP4 file to YouTube. YouTube was able to deal with it. But, I wish I had be able to put a title on it and maybe splice in a shorter second video file I made.

  • Apple iPhone App Store Looks Awesome; eWallet for iPhone Soon

    The Apple App Store for the iPhone (and eventually the upgraded iPod touch) IS the killer app. It has an easy to use an familiar user interface. It has a bunch of cool looking apps (many free). And, the for-fee apps look reasonably priced (may at $9.95).

    More importantly, according to this info item on the Ilium Software site…

    iPhone Software – Coming Soon

    …the one must-gotta-have application in my mobile toolkit, eWallet, will be available for the Apple iPhone and iPod touch. I’m hoping to try it on my iPod touch when the 2.0 upgrade becomes available for it.

    There are still three problems with the iPhone 2.0 for me personally:

    1. AT&T Wireless (don’t want to switch carriers)
    2. No physical QWERTY keyboard
    3. No user replaceable battery

  • Do We Need to Rethink Mobile in a $10/gallon of Gasoline World?

    Automobile gasoline prices will probably hit $5/gallon in a few weeks were I live. This is high compared to most of the US. Many developed nations are already over the $5/gallon mark (see this CNN Global Gas Prices page). It is not unimaginable that gas will be at $10/gallon or more by the end of this decade. This affects more than just those of us who drive cars. Any fuel intensive industry (airlines, trucking, taxi, delivery services, etc.) is already hard hit and in for a lot more pain going forward.

    I wonder what this means from a mobile technology perspective? We are already seeing people changing their vacation plans to be closer to home. Some local governments are switching to 4-day work-weeks. Businesses are curtailing business travel. And, we can guess that conferences will see attendance drops as flying becomes prohibitively expensive and increasingly annoying.

    On a local level, we are seeing less drive-to-homebase (office or home) behavior. This means that we need to be more productive away from our office or home-office since we returning to home base less during the day if we have multiple stops. One can imagine that long distance business trips might become longer too as we try to combine what would have been multiple trips to/from homebase to reduce multiple long flights. We will, as the late great George Carlin might have said, have to made better decisions about the stuff we carry. As travel weight restrictions become more severe, those giant 17 inch LCD notebooks will probably go the way of the Dodo bird for travel that requires flying. The combination of a really smart phone with a good web browser and an Asus Eee PC class mini-notebook will probably become the norm. Microsoft hasn’t released anything new (XP doesn’t count) for this class of machines. And, even Apple doesn’t have a mini-notebook product in the market. Does this mean that Linux will become the defacto standard for frequent travelers with mini-notebooks? And, what about the smart phone? Windows Mobile’s browser clearly is not sufficient for many web-based tasks (especially AJAX ones). The iPhone has a great browser but is hampered by the lack of a physical keyboard. The Blackberry has not made its mark as a browser phone. Nokia’s phones with Opera are pretty good but not mainstream in the US (although it is mainstream everywhere else). That leaves the Google Android as a contender in the new travel challenged world.

    I know I’m thinking a lot about not only how I work away from home but how I get to and from my destination these days. And, one thing I know for sure is that as great as my 13″ Macbook is, I need something smaller, lighter, and easier to carry around even for local travel in and around my home area.

  • Why it is Hard to ID the “Best” Mobile Device

    Just for fun I decided to score my iPod touch, TyTn Windows Mobile 6 Pocket PC, and Dash Windows Mobile 6 Smartphone on 10 features. The highest possible score is 3 and the lowest is 1. So, a higher total is theoretically better than a lower one.

    If you look at the scores, you might guess that I carry the TyTn Pocket PC around most of the time. Unfortunately, that guess would be wrong. I always take my Dash Smartphone out with me if I am only carrying one device. And, if watched me wander around my home, you would probably see me using the iPod touch.

    The reason is that the my unscientific scorecard did not place weights on the ranked features. When, I am running around town, the most important features to me around the voice phone, one-handed use, RSS reader, PIM, and Email. When I am at home the most important features are web browsing and reading (but not writing/responding to) email. Email is a tricky one because when outside of the home I want one device that I can use for both reading and writing email. On the other hand, when I am at home, I just need to be aware of email and can wander over to a desktop or notebook computer to actually compose a response.

    The Pocket PC (touch screen) probably trumps the Smartphone (non-touchscreen) with its unweighted score when outside of the home. But, once weight is placed on one-handed use and (a feature I did not rank) durability, the non-touchscreen Smartphone wins. I hated using my phone in the rain when I used a Pocket PC Phone Edition device. I felt that the touch screen technology was just too fragile. The Smartphone, on the other hand, seems to be tough enough for most outdoor weather conditions.

    The big problem with the iPod touch and iPhone for my personal use is that they don’t have a physical thumb keyboard. As, I’ve mentioned many times before here, I still can’t type comfortably on iPod touch’s screen keyboard. That is why I never use it to reply to email or tweet on Twitter.

    There is no perfect mobile device for me yet. So, I’ll continue to use a couple of best-of-breed devices in different situations for now.