Category: Mobile Devices

  • Tower Madness HD: Interesting But Not my Cup of Tea

    Tower Madness HD for the iPad is a free tower defense type game. The object is to place weapons in the path of the invading aliens to protect the sheep (sheep?). My problem with it is too difficult at the very first level. It seems to want to force you to make an in-app purchase (using real money) to buy better weapons.

    Addictive games tend to be easy in the beginning to let your learn the rules and draw you in. Addictive games also provide enough interactivity to keep you interested and engaged. Tower Madness HD simply runs on automatic pilot for wave after wave after wave of invading aliens after you place the weapons on the playing field. I’m surprised it made it so high up the iTunes iPad free apps list (it is currently #4). I’m uninstalling it from my iPad. Next!

  • WordPress for windows phone 7 update test

    WordPress for windows phone updated. Checking to see if it has been improved.

    Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

  • test using WordPress for Windows 7

    ugh! WordPress for Windows [Phone] 7 is awful and nearly unsuable.

    I’m completing this blog post using MarsEdit. WordPress for Windows Phone 7 is a total mess. Text fields and buttons are difficult to get access to because they are blocked by a keyboard that refuses to move. It is difficult to type text because the app only works in portrait mode. It does not reorient for typing in landscape mode. It also inserted spaces in odd places throughout the blog entry. Finally, it does not appear to have any facility to resize photos before uploading.

    Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

  • Firesheep WiFi Insecurity: Why the Sky Isn’t Falling

    I noticed a discussion about Firesheep last night but didn’t read the details until this morning before driving in to the office. If you read an item like this one, you might be under the impression that the sky is falling. It isn’t. Phew, I know.

    How To: Avoid Getting Fleeced By Firesheep

    Firesheep is a Firefox browser plugin that lets you hijack other people’s accounts/sessions on services like Twitter and Facebook. This is mostly a problem when on open WiFi networks. (no WPA/WPA2 security). But, really, it can happen on any network where someone decides to run Firesheep and hijack sessions. So, what does it really do and what can be done about it? So, I turned to the writings of a security expert whose opinion I trust to get another perspective, Bruce Schneier.



    His advice is relatively simple: Protect yourself by forcing the authentication to happen over TLS. Or stop logging in to Facebook from public networks. Schneier points to a relatively simple fix for Firefox browser users described on TechCrunch.

    How To Protect Your Login Information From Firesheep

    A simple way that doesn’t even require installing a plug-in is to manually type https:// (SSL) instead of http:// (no “s”) when accessing Twitter & Facebook. I just tried it with both services and verified that they have it working with valid certificates.