According to the IEMobile Team blog, the next version of Internet Explorer Mobile for Windows Mobile will have a different user-agent string. Read their blog entry for details.
Detecting Internet Explorer Mobile’s User-Agent on the server
According to the IEMobile Team blog, the next version of Internet Explorer Mobile for Windows Mobile will have a different user-agent string. Read their blog entry for details.
Detecting Internet Explorer Mobile’s User-Agent on the server
You’ve probably gotten those calls (or seen them in your Caller-ID history) with unidentified phone numbers. Some are from telemarketers. Others never say anything or leave a message. This interesting web site might be able to help you figure out who is/are behind those phone calls.
Note that this is a user-contributed information site and that the language is PG-13 sometimes.
Socket Communications, long known for providing early access to communications technologies on Windows Mobile devices, released a 802.11g WiFi SDIO card for Windows Mobile 5 devices.
Socket Communications Delivers Go Wi-Fi! P300 802.11g WLAN Card
Most current WiFi enabled Pocket PCs and Smartphones use the relatively slower 802.11b protocol.
Arne Hess over at the::unwired has a good review with lots of photos of the HTC MTeoR (aka Breeze) Smartphone running Windows Mobile 5.
Just read about this on LifeHacker. Touch Notes is a free Pocket PC application. It lets you jot down notes in ink (drawing vs. handwriting recogniztion) and appears to have a simple way to organize these notes. It is definitely on my try soon list.
The $249.99 LEGO Mindstorms NXT is the first major update for the LEGO robotics technology in several years. Among its many improvements is replacing the infrared wireless control with Bluetooth. Microsoft Windows Mobile developer Brian Cross made use of the recently introduced Microsoft Robotics Studio to get his Windows Mobile Smartphone to control a LEGO Mindstorms NXT robot. You can find his Windows Mobile Team blog entry at: