Category: Mobile Devices

  • Pocket GNU Go (Open Source Game for Windows Mobile)

    One of the oldest and most difficult to master board games is Go (AKA Weiqi). Vieka ported the Open Source GNU Go to the Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone.

    Pocket GNU Go

    I’m not sure how much of a challenge it is for Go expert. But, for the rest of us it is a nice to have mobile port of a classic game.

  • MyWaves: Free Mobile Video Service

    Today’s mobile freebie is a video service (in beta) for mobile devices…


    The service works sign-up indicates it works on all four of the largest mobile carriers in the US (AT&T Wireless/Cingular, Sprint PCS, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless).

    Here comes my caveat: Part of the sign-up process requires providing your mobile phone number. That makes sense. But, I’m wary of handing over a mobile phone number to a company I don’t know much about. However, according to their press release, 20,000 people per week have been signing up since October. So, perhaps, my reservation is a minority opinion.

    If you’ve been using it, let me know how it is working for you.

  • Ilium Software Dots: Pocket PC Freeware

    Since the holiday season is in full swing, I’ll try to dig up and mention freeware for Windows Mobile devices a few times this week. Here’s one from Ilium Software (I mentioned their terrific eWallet utility in an earlier blog item).

    Ilium Software Dots

    Dots is a connect-the-dots game for Pocket PCs. It’s one of those simple to learn but addictive casual games. Try it out. The price is right (free). Ilium asks you for your name and, optionally, for your email address (but they let you leave it blank if you want).

  • Moblogging to Microsoft Live Spaces (aka MSN Spaces)

    Continuing on with Moblogging week… MSN Spaces got a web facelift and renamed Windows Live Spaces earlier this year. Like Blogger and Yahoo! 360, you can email text and photos from your cameraphone to your blog. Unlike the other services, it doesn’t have an external write-up you can read without logging in. So, here’s some information in case you are considering using Live Spaces.

    • Login to Live Spaces with your Passport account
    • Click on Options on the upper far right side of the window
    • Click on Email Publishing in the left sidebar
    • Fill out the web form and read the instructions about moblogging to your Live Spaces blog

    If you are a MSN Soapbox video beta-tester, you can post videos from it to your Live Spaces blog (though you cannot post video directly from your cameraphone).

  • Moblogging on Yahoo! 360

    I  discussed moblogging using Google’s Blogger yesterday. So, it only seems fair to mention Yahoo! 360 today.

    If you login to your Yahoo! account and head over to, you will see simple specific instructions on how to email text and photos directly from your cameraphone to your Yahoo! 360 blog.

  • Blogger Mobile

    Ok, I’m back on topic after my Microsoft Windows Mobile marketing rant yesterday. 🙂

    Unlike the previous mobile blogging client-side products discussed, Blogger Mobile uses the more familiar mail-the-blog-in model. Actually, there is a twist. It actually uses a gateway instead of mailing directly to a specific blog address. If you use Blogger as your blogging service, head over to read the following two items.

    On the Go with Blogger Mobile

    Blogger Mobile FAQ

    According to the FAQ, the service works with AT&T/Cingular, Sprint PCS, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless in the US. An email or MMS message is sent to the address to make the magic work. The message can include a photo as well as text.
