I guess I’m just easily amused. It occurred to me that Windows Mobile 6 is generating zero buzz (or at least so little that I don’t see it). The iPhone buzz has died down for the moment (too much lead time between its announcement and summer availability). The phone that seems to be getting a lot of buzz lately is from good ol’ Nokia: The Nokia N95. Built-in GPS, 5 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics (same as used by Sony’s digital cameras), nice new mini-browser paradigm, installable applications (unlike the iPhone), and a nice form factor. If the Nokia PC Suite can sync half decently with a Windows or Mac OS X box (I’d lean towards a Mac for syncing), it will get very high on the list of devices to replace my current Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone.
In any case, I decided to search for “Windows Mobile” on Amazon. The first result was my friend Frank McPherson’s great book How to Do Everything with Windows Mobile (How to Do Everything) (no doubt due to superb technical editing :-). But, what happens when you search for “Windows Mobile 6” instead? Did you guess that the first hit would be the BlackBerry 8800 Phone (Cingular)
? Yep, if you search for “Windows Mobile 6” on Amazon, it pops up a RIM Blackberry phone as its first hit. WiMo6 just can’t get any respect 🙂