Category: Mobile Devices

  • Apple iPod touch 1.1.2 157.9MB Update

    I finally got around to downloading the Apple iPod touch 1.1.12 firmware upgrade (157.9MB large). I couldn’t find an official Apple page describing the changes in 1.1.12. However, I did find a discussion thread in their support area created by users describing the changes. You can find it at…

    Apple Support Discussions Forums User Generated 1.1.12 Changelog

    The most noticeable change is that calendar events can now be directly added on the touch itself (in addition to iCal on the Mac). Looking forward to playing with the upgraded touch a bit to see what else has changed.

  • Back to Basics: Smartphone Keypad Lock

    While writing my scorecard for Pogue’s complaints about Windows Mobile, I began thinking that a few people might appreciate a series talking about some of the basics of using Windows Mobile devices. So, I’m going to spend a little time this week writing a few blog entries about Windows Mobile Smartphone (Standard Edition) basics. I’ll hit Pocket PC Phone Edition (Professional Edition) basics next week.

    Before getting to today’s back to basics information, let’s get the Standard Edition and Professional Edition branding out of the way: Prior to Windows Mobile 6, Windows Mobile devices were categorized as Pocket PC (no phone radio), Pocket PC Phone Edition, and Smartphone. Microsoft changed this nomenclature to Classic Edition (Pocket PC), Professional Edition (Pocket PC Phone Edition), and Standard Edition (Smartphone) with the introduction of WiMo6. From what I can tell, this has caused more confusion than anything else and carriers, journalists, and consumers either are confused by it or ignore it completely. The more noticeable difference is that the Pocket PC devices have a touch screen while the Smartphone devices do not. Now, back to basics…

    At one time it looked like the flip-phone (clam shell) phone design might become the dominant design. One of its great advantages is that both the keypad and main screen were protected when closed and did not suffer from accidental key presses while closed. Unfortunately, this impression of mine was wrong and the candy bar (and more recently slide out) design became dominant. Fortunately, it is easy to lock the keypad and prevent accidental button presses (dialing). You can press and hold the End Call button (usually has a red phone icon on it) to lock the keypad. You can unlock the keypad by pressing the Left Soft Button and then the asterisk (*) button.

    You can answer a call and then end it without unlocking the phone. So, you don’t have to worry about pressing a bunch of buttons just to answer a phone call.

    There are a few applications (Fizz Traveller comes to mind) that ignores a locked keypad. But, there aren’t many of these kinds of applications.

  • Analysis of T-Mobile Shadow Crticisms from David Pogue of the New York Times

    The New York Times’ technology writer, David Pogue, savaged the recently released T-Mobile Shadow (titled Reach for Apple, Falling Short). His summary starts with: Frankly, Windows Mobile 6 is a mess. I’ve taken my shots at Windows Mobile. But, I’m still a Windows Mobile fan (though a critical one). So, let’s take a look at Mr. Pogue’s points one at a time.

    DP: First of all, a cellphone should not display a “wait” cursor. Ever. And definitely not almost every time you change screens, as on the Shadow.

    Hard to argue with this one. Score 1 for Mr. P.

    DP: If your Web browser can’t play Flash videos, it should just say so.

    Um, since he is directly comparing it to the Apple iPhone, let’s point out that the iPhone and iPod touch do not support Flash at all. That is why there is a custom YouTube app instead of simply being able to view YouTube in the Safari browser. At least Flash is available for Windows Mobile. So, the score is 1 to 1.

    When you’re finished looking at a text message, you should not have to open a menu to find the Delete command.

    Agreed, 2 to 1.

    When you’re on a phone call, you should not have to open a menu to find the Speakerphone command.

    Hmm. On most Windows Mobile devices, pressing and holding the Talk button places you in speakerphone mode. This, of course, is not intuitive. So, the score is 2.5 to 1.5.

    When you take a picture, you should not have to open a menu to find Send and Delete.

    On my phone, the Send option is the left softkey when viewing the photo just taken. Will mostly agree about needing to open a menu to delete. But, how often do I need to delete a photo right after taking it? Let’s split this point too: 3 to 2.

    A cellphone should not have a Task Manager. You should never have to worry about quitting programs because you’ve used up too much memory.

    This is an interesting topic with a long and heated history. The issue is a long held Microsoft design philosophy that the Windows Mobile memory manager should manage application memory and not let users close an application like they do on a desktop. The problem is that this philosophy has never mirrored reality: Windows Mobile memory management often fails to do its job adequately (to say it politely). I’ll give Mr. P. the point for this one: 4 to 2.

    A cellphone should auto-format phone numbers with parentheses and hyphens when you enter them in the address book.

    OK, David lost me here. Why is an auto-format needed while entering a phone number into Contacts? And, phone number are formatted with parens and hypens upon completion. So, 4 to 3.

    When the cursor is in a number box, like ZIP code, the keyboard should automatically start typing numbers.

    Agreed!: 5 to 3.

    If the phone has a navigation wheel, the big, clickable center button should always mean “O.K.” Always.

    Hmm. I could have sworn this is the case. But, it may be different on the Shadow. So, 6 to 3.

    When you’re assigning a contact to one of the five “My Faves” slots, a T-Mobile calling plan that gives you unlimited calls to your five favorite numbers, three confirmation screens is two too many.

    67 to 3. [Correcting this typo and carrying it through below because I missed it the first time around]
    If it takes four presses on the More button just to see everything in the Start menu — and you provide no direct way to get to the first page from the last — you need to redesign.

    Hmm. Again, if we look at it from his comparison with the iPhone,then, well, the iPhone simply doesn’t have 3rd party apps (without Jailbreak, anyway). And, the iPhone doesn’t have nearly as many functions as a Windows Mobile Smartphone (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.). I agree the menu system needs improvement. But, even my iPod classic wheel takes a lot of thumb twiddling to get around. So, 67 to 4.

    A locking feature, which prevents the buttons from being pushed accidentally in a purse or pocket, is nice. But it should be optional. And one button press should suffice to unlock it; two in sequence is just annoying.

    Press and hold the End Call key to lock a WiMo Smartphone. One button press by my count. My iPod touch is always turning its screen on because it doesn’t truly lock like non-touch iPods. The scheme on WiMo is fine: 67 to 5.

    Let me add one more thing before concluding this blog entry. Take a look at the T-Mobile Shadow product page. Do you see any indication whether this is a Windows Mobile Professional Edition (Pocket PC Phone Edition) or Smartphone (Standard Edition)? I don’t see anything other than Windows Mobile mentioned. The average non-techie is not going to have a clue what this thing is. David Pogue doesn’t mention this either. So, carriers, journalists, and the general public are totally ignoring these two very different devices (Pocket PC vs. Smartphone). The Microsoft branding message is DOA. It never gets past Microsoft itself. And, I recall even its own web properties mangle this message sometimes. This needs to be fixed. BTW and FYI, the T-Mobile Shadow is a Windows Mobile 6 Standard Edition device (aka Smartphone).

    To sum up then, IMHO,NYT’s David Pogue’s criticisms are 54.5%58.33% on target. That would be great for a batting average or basketball field goal percentage. But, for a well-respected technology commentator… Well, you be the judge…

  • Another Daylight Savings Time Bug?

    Today (Nov. 10) was a friend’s wedding anniversary. So, it showed up on my calendar. But, um, it also shows up on Nov. 11! I suspect (but have no proof yet) that it is related to the recent shift back from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time. I saw this on other people’s Windows Mobile devices earlier in the year when the new shifted Daylight Savings Time began. So, check the various birthdays and anniversaries on your Pocket PC or Smartphone. Some of them may not be split across two days.

  • Apple iPod touch 1.1.2 Adds Calendar Event Creation: Watch Out Windows Mobile!

    According to, the Apple iPod touch 1.1.2 firmware upgrade adds the ability to add calendar events on the iPod touch (the iPhone already has this feature). My iPod touch is still at 1.1.1 and is apparently not on the schedule for upgrading today. So, I can’t confirm this first hand. But, I’m looking forward to getting the update sometime in the next couple of days.

    Combine this news with the commentary over on about well-known techie Chris Pirillo’s conversion from Windows Mobile to the iPhone (see Chris Pirillo on the iPhone vs. Windows Mobile for Business Use) and the many concurring comments on PocketPCThoughts’ forums. Now, things are getting interesting. The big problem with the iPhone is that many of us in the US are unwilling to switch from our current mobile phone service provider to AT&T Wireless. The iPod touch, however, doesn’t require anyone to make any kind of change to use it.

    Since the calendar sync will probably be flawless like the contacts sync, iPod touch owners are not going to have the kind of love-hate relationship with ActiveSync and WMDC that Pocket PC and Smartphone owners have. In fact, iPod touch owners simply won’t even think about syncing much. It will just work.

    The iPod touch’s Safari browser is already the gold standard for mobile browsing. The touch is a great music, video, and photo player. It lets you enter contacts and soon (if not now) lets you enter calendar events. Most people don’t add applications to their Pocket PC or Smartphone from what I’ve seen over the years. But, application development is underway via Jailbreak and iPod touch and iPhone development will be legitimized by Apple early in 2008. Add the perceived coolness factor that all iPods (and the iPhone) have and you have a killer mobile product.

    While I doubt that anyone from the Microsoft Windows Mobile team reads this blog, I’ll add a note for them here anyway… Earth to Windows Mobile Team: Geeks like me (and probably the two or three people who read this blog now and then) will continue to buy and use Windows Mobile devices because we need/want apps like Word Mobile, Excel Mobile, eWallet, Newsbreak, SoundExplorer, and HanDBase. But, the vast majority of non-enterprise non-geeks (99.999+% of the world) just need contacts, calendar, and media playback (mobile browsing is not high on the list of non-geeks). And, since syncing an iPod with a Mac or PC is natural and easy for iPod users, syncing contacts and calendar will be just another automatic action that they don’t worry about.

    I’ve already watched one of my favorite mobile tools, the good ol’ Windows CE Handheld PC, go the way of the dinosaur and disappear. The Pocket PC (Classic Edition – no phone radio) is probably not far behind. And, the Pocket PC Phone Edition (Professional Edition) and Smartphone (Standard Edition) may become niche enterprise tools. The iPhone and iPod touch are here now. The Google phones are on their way in 2008 (or more likely 2009 IMHO). If Windows Mobile doesn’t fix its broken basics such as the awful sync experience and awful Internet Explorer web browsing experience, it will not be a viable platform except in vertical markets by 2010.

  • Vito Technology SoundExplorer: Sound Test

    Vito Technology SoundExplorer

    I’ve been toying with the idea of recording short podcasts using just a Windows Mobile Pocket PC or Smartphone. How short is short? About the time it takes to brush your teeth or less 🙂

    I posted four previous tests to my Blogr account at Thanks to Vito Technology, I was able to post a 5th test to that site tonight. I installed their SoundExplorer audio recorder on my HTC Advantage Pocket PC Phone Edition to make the test recording. Windows Mobile’s built-in recorder only records WAV audio files. These things can become large very quickly. And, some of the free web audio posting sites (like Tumblr) only accept MP3 files. Fortunately, SoundExplorer can record directly to an MP3 file and in various formats. I chose the higher quality 44KHz 16bit 96Kbps recording format to get the best quality sound.

    The 30 second clip I recorded created a 358KB file. This is much much smaller than the file size required to contain a equivalent quality 30 second WAV sound recording.

    One problem (to me anyway) is that I recorded the clip in a relatively quiet room this evening. And, wow, my voice sounds really boring. So, I’m going to make another test recording during the day outdoors to see if some real-world ambient noise makes it sound just a tiny bit more interesting and life-like 🙂

    You can listen to the 30-second audio clip I recorded using SoundExplorer at: MobileViews Mini-cast 5.