I’ve been interested in cameraphone photography since the first time I tried a Nokia 3650 cameraphone way back in 2003 (The Nokia 3650 GSM/GPRS Phone with Camera, Bluetooth, and More). I also wrote a half dozen of the hacks in the cameraphone section of the book Digital Photography Hacks (2004). But, I’ve always readily admitted that cameraphone photos were nowhere near the quality of even low priced digital cameras. You just can’t compare a glass lens device to a (usually) plastic lens device. However, cameraphone photos have been steadily improving over the years and are starting to look pretty good. The T-Mobile Dash I use as my day to day phone takes decent photos in daylight conditions. I just started taking photos with an HTC Advantage 7500 (a Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC Phone Edition with a 3 megapixel camera). So far, I’m reasonably happy with what I’ve seen so far (see a shrunken version of a photo from the camera above). I’m planning to perform more testing of the 7500’s still photo and video capabilities over the next couple of weeks and will post photos here and on other sites.
Category: Digital Photography
Canon PowerShot A710IS (6X Optical Zoom w/Image Stabilization)
The Canon PowerShot A710IS has been available since last fall. You can see it on the left compared to the Canon PoweShot S1 IS (current version is S5, btw). Although it only has a 6x optical zoom (with image stabilization) compared to the 10x for the S1 (and 12x for the S5), its smaller size won me over. I think it may tend to shoot a bit overexposed compared to the Panasonic Lumix TZ3 I wrote about in an earlier blog entry. But, for the most part, I am very pleased with the A710IS. And, I really like the fact that it runs on two standard AA batteries (vs. the proprietary batteries needed by the Lumix). I wanted to have an Amazon affiliate link to it. But, guess what, Amazon is no longer directly carrying it. I suspect Canon (or Amazon) may be pushing the Canon PowerShot TX1 camera with 10x zoom and near-HD video recording. If you can find a A710IS, is will probably be heavily discounted. And, you can probably expect a new model to replace it this fall. But, if you find it at a good price, you might want to consider it.
SDHC Card Reader Amazingly Fast
I bought a SanDisk Ultra II SDHC 4GB w/MicroMate USB 2.0 Bundle
for use with a digital camera. When I bought it the Micromate SDHC reader seemed like a nice to have add-on. However, since the 4GB SDHC card does not seem to be readable by my older SD readers, it became a must-have accessory. The SDHC card is recognized immediately when used with the bundled reader and file transfers are lightning fast. The SDHC card also slips into and out of the reader without any fuss.
The SanDisk MobileMate SD+ reader I bought just a week earlier, on the other hand, has such a tight SD slot, that I’m worried it might strip the metal contacts on SD cards I use with it. I’m probably going to put it away and give it a negative review over on Amazon.com.
The SanDisk SDHC card and reader bundle, on the other hand, gets a thumbs up from me.
HiRISE Mobile: Images from Mars
The University of Arizona High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment has some spectacular high res photos of Mars on their website. And, I was surprised to find that they have pages formatted specially for mobile devices too. You can find it at…
Panasonic Lumix TZ3K 10x Optical Zoom 7.2 Megapixel Camera
It is quite amazing how much the digital camera landscape (pun intended) has changed in just a few years. I played around with the Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ3K 7.2MP Digital Camera with 10x Optical Image Stabilized Zoomthis evening. The photo on the left is the TZ3K compared to the Canon PowerShot S1 IS 10x optical zoom camera from a few years ago (the current model is the Canon PowerShot Pro Series S5 IS 8.0MP Digital Camera with 12x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom
which about the same size as the older S1. Panasonic’s controls don’t seem as intuitive or simple as the Canon IS. However, that might be because I have used a lot of Canon digital cameras over the years and this is the first Panasonic I’ve tried. However, there is a lot to like about a camera with 10x optical zoom that is so much smaller than the Canon IS series and with a larger 3 inch bright LCD. It’s also nice not to have to deal with a manual lens cap (what a hassle). More on this camera later… I’m also going to be playing with a Canon PowerShot A710 IS 7.1MP Digital Camera with 6x Image-Stabilized Optical Zoom
in the next week or so. It came out last Fall and was, I believe, the first of the Canon A series cameras to have optical stablization. Its price has started to drop. So, I’m guessing it will be replaced by a higher resolution version within the next few months.