Author: todd

  • iPod touch and T-Mobile Dash – Tactile Impressions

    iPod touch and T-Mobile Dash

    My 16GB iPod touch arrived yesterday. Since I’m probably among the last of the mobile enthusiasts who got a touch (even though I pre-ordered it the day it was announced), I’m not even going try to write a mini-review. However, as a Windows Mobile enthusiast, I thought other Windows Mobile users might find a couple of quick observations from that point of view interesting.

    The T-Mobile Dash (Windows Mobile 6 Standard Edition, formerly Smartphone) has been my main device for the past half-year or so. As you can see from the photo the iPod touch and the Dash are pretty close in height and width dimensions although the touch is much thinner than the Dash (0.31 vs. 0.5 inches). According the to iPod touch spec page and the T-Mobile Dash spec page, both are 4.2 ounces. Frankly, I’m having a hard time believing this. The touch feels much much heavier than the Dash. But, I don’t have a scale to check this, so I’ll believe the specs. You can see that the screen is about twice the physical size of the Dash’s screen and is exactly twice the resolution (480×320 vs. 320×240).

    The one thing that became obvious real fast is that thumb typing as I know it is impossible for me on the touch. The lack of tactile feedback and what appears to be a slight digitizing offset (selection appears slightly to the left of where I touch the screen) is deadly. My typing mode (especially for passwords) is reduced from two thumbs to my right hand index finger. I’m really tempted to use a stylus when I need to type on the touch. The Dash’s keyboard, on the other hand, is the best thumb keyboard I’ve used on a Smartphone (the Universal’s and TyTn’s keyboard are my favorites on the Pocket PC side of the Windows Mobile house).

    One somewhat surprising aspect of the touch’s lack of tactile feedback is that I don’t think I can use it without looking at the screen. I’ve also used the iPod nano and the 5th generation iPod (video). Both of those are very easy to use without looking at the device because the click wheel gives lots of location and tactile information.

    IMHO Apple was wise in NOT positioning the iPod touch as a PDA. It is clearly not a PDA. On the other hand, its Safari browser is clearly superior to Windows Mobile’s Internet Explorer (and Opera mini on Windows Mobile — for me anyway). That combined with a relatively easy (but not great) YouTube app makes the iPod touch the current overall multimedia champ. I just looked at the new Zune announcements. I think the Zune still has a lot of catching up to do. But, more on that after the firmware upgrade for the current generation Zune’s become available next month. I’ll flash my Zune then and give it a spin.

  • HTC Shift: Interesting but too $$$ for Mainstream

    HTC announced the ultraportable HTC Shift running Windows Vista Business Edition. At 800 grams (1.76 pounds) and with its 3G/HSDPA and SnapVUE low power mode (no Windows Mobile as rumored long ago), it is unique compared to the UMPC device crowd. However, at $1580, it is relatively pricey (compared to standard sized notebooks) although it is not outrageous compared to the truly overpriced and underpowered UMPC devices. If it had come in at $1000 or less (or even $1200), it might have a chance for mainstream acceptance. However, at nearly $1600 (without a CD or DVD drive), it will join the UMPC as being a specialty device for those who crave true mobility with an XP or Vista based device.

    The various rumor sites say that Apple is planning to release a sub-notebook class device in the near future. Apple has been able to get away with somewhat pricey devices. But, if they come in with a slick looking sub-2-pound device for under $1000, I think the UMPC and the Shift will be relegated to discount bins.

    I’m also waiting for the Asustek EEE PC. I though it was supposed to appear in September. But, here it is October and no sign of it yet. Will it go the way of the Palm Foleo?

    UPDATE: According to CNET, the Asustek EEE PC is supposed to be available later this month (October). However, its retail price is rising from $199 to $260 (still very reasonable).

  • Thumbing Around an iPod touch Screen Keyboard

    My iPod touch is still wandering around in FedEx-land. But, I was able to use my daughter’s iPod touch for a few minutes to help her set up WiFi access. I found it nearly impossible to type on the screen keyboard in portrait mode. The lack of tactile feedback from a physical keyboard is a real drawback. However, using the screen keyboard in landscape mode was a bit better though I still pressed the wrong key way too many times. I think the 2.0 versions of the iPhone and touch really needs a slideout keyboard even though it would increase the thickness of each device. I’ll get a better feel for this after I have some time to play with my own device (which should arrive soon).

  • Calendar Year View Incomplete in Landscape View

    Calendar portrait view

    Here’s a little oddity I noticed just a few weeks ago. The Windows Mobile Pocket PC can display a calendar in year view (something not available on the Smartphone AKA Standard Edition). However, while all 12 months are displayed if the Pocket PC is in portrait mode, only 8 months are shown in landscape viewing mode. You can scroll left or right to see the other 4 months. But, still, this seems lame.

    Calendar landscape view

  • Work with Office 2007 Files on Windows Mobile 6 Devices

    Just read the announcement in Jason Langridge’s (Microsoft’s Mr. Mobile) blog about the release of…

    Microsoft Office Mobile 6.1: Upgrade for Microsoft Office 2007 file formats

    This upgrade lets you work with (read and write) Office 2007 generated Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. The upgrade is only for Office Mobile on Windows Mobile 6 devices. So, if you have an earlier generation device, this upgrade is not for you. Note that this upgrade is relatively huge at 6MB. However, the system requirements section says this space can be on a storage card. So, presumably, you can install this on a flash card instead of using up system memory.

    The download page also mentions that it is possible to buy Office Mobile 6.1 if your device does not already have it. But, the link provided there just leads to a general Office Mobile information page at this time. I don’t see any link or graphic indicating this purchase can be made today.

  • 53 Weeks in a Year

    Windows Mobile calendar week 53

    Did you know there are 53 weeks in a calendar year? Yep, according to Windows Mobile, that is the case for certain years. This is one of the oldest bugs and has been around since the Windows CE days. So, if you use week numbers for project planning, don’t use the Windows Mobile week numbers as your definitive guide.