MobileViews Podcast 428: Guest panelist-Don Sorcinelli; Fitbit customer support; M2 iPad Pro impressions; macOS 16 thoughts;holiday tech buying

Don Sorcinelli, Jon Westfall, & Todd Ogasawara

Frequent guest panelist Don Sorcinelli joins Jon Westfall and me for this podcast. In it, we discuss

  • Fitbit customer service
    Out of warranty, Charge 4 display dimmed and then stopped working. It functions as a tracker. Contacted CS via Twitter. They went through my diagnostic steps, noted I was out of warranty, and offered a 35% discount for a replacement. I ordered a Charge 5.
  • new Google widgets to your iPhone
  • Received M2 iPad Pro 11-inch running iPadOS 16.1
    What’s missing?
    – Freeform app
    – Extended external display
    – Opt-in web notifications support

    Coming to terms with Stage Manager
    Apple Pencil
    Procreate compatibility?

  • macOS 16 Ventura
    Stage Manager shows Windows 1.0 tiling was the best way to go???
    iPad -ization of Macs
  • Retiree digital workspace
    Thoughts on Windows 11 UI/UX (ugh). Different <> better
  • Jon’s life on an iPad for a few days at work thoughts
  • Early holiday tech buying

Available via Google Music Podcasts and Apple iTunes.

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