Jon Westfall and I are joined by an old friend of mine – well known Hawaii technologist Ryan Ozawa.
- A sign that the world will end soon: Microsoft Xamarin Visual Studio for Mac announced (preview version).
- Ref: Ars Technica. “…while many executive branch employees now have PIV cards with [smart] chips embedded in them, Senate employees get ID cards with a picture of a chip on them.”
- Uber getting scolded by Tim Cook for using private APIs to ‘fingerprint’ users in a way that survives even after the app is deleted.
- Facebook going big into Augmented Reality as a platform, trying to kill Snapchat over and over, helping creators monetize stolen videos
Samsung S8, LG G6, and whatever Apple announces this Fall: Apple self-driving cars? Siri speaker? - Questions for Ryan
Ryan’s news items:
Available via Google Music Podcasts and Apple iTunes.