New mobile meme: Get on the Android Hate Train

I’ve noticed what may be a new mobile meme: The Android Hate Train. It started percolating with complaints about fragmentation, vendors tossing hideous custom interfaces which obscure Google’s own native Android UI, and notes about slowing market growth. TechRepublic posted an item recently that I commented on yesterday.

Why Android tablets failed? Wait a minute…

Now, this piece by venture capitalist Antonio Rodriguez is making the rounds.

Android as we know it will die in the next two years and what it means for you

So, what’s with this Android Hate Train that seems to be gaining steam during CES week? I’ve got my own personal beefs with Android. But, its current market domination can’t be denied. And, it seems like it has enough steam to keep moving forward. Then again, I might have said the same thing about Palm (Palm OS devices, not webOS), Nokia and RIM BlackBerry a few years ago.

Addendum: Here’s another addition for the Android Hate Train from former TechCrunch writer MG Siegler: Why I Hate Android