Podcast Conversation with Joel Comm of iFart Mobile Fame

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Podcasts prior to March 20, 2009 had their information archived on MobileAppsToday.com. However, when it and MobileDevicesToday.com were closed and redirected to MobileContentToday.com (where I still contribute daily blog posts), the podcast archive was lost. So, I’m reposting pre-March 20 podcasts here to help people rediscover a number of really interesting podcasts.

This one was recorded on January 16, 2009 with Joel Comm. Joel is the producer of the iFart Mobile app for the iPhone that hit #1 in the Apple iTunes paid app list during the 2008 holiday season and remained there for 22 days.

If you prefer, you can retrieve this podcast from iTunes by subscribing to the MobileViews.com Podcast there and checking off the box associated with this podcast.