The Inside Microsoft blog has a very interesting entry titled…
Windows Mobile 7 To Focus On Touch and Motion Gestures
…with what looks like dozens of Windows Mobile 7 screen captures. From the looks of it Microsoft discovered the Apple iPhone and is trying to catch up to it by 2009 (Windows Mobile 7’s projected release according other blogs discussing it). The problem (for Microsoft) is that Apple will have probably moved on to other new concepts by then. Too little too late, I think.
2 responses to “Microsoft Releases iPhone Clone in 2009?”
Microsoft will have to safeguard there phone from viri that will call everyone in their address book. It should also not burn minutes download daily critical updates or blasting ads like Messenger.
I love it that people underestimate Apple. Apple has pretty much been in the drivers seat of consumer electronics and computers over the last 5 years at least. People have been predicting doom and gloom for Apple for years while missing the fact that companies like Gateway have the grim reaper looking over its shoulder. Microsoft and Dell have taken notice and have tried with varying degrees of success to copy the Apple model.
My Jailbroken iPod is not only a killer audio and video player but with third party apps installed it has taken the place of my Palm PDA. Some may consider it overpriced due to it being flash based but it makes the perfect companion to a hard drive based video iPod.
Yeah, because the standard iPod has evolved so much from what it looked like in 2001(and not the overpriced Touch). And since MS has more market share I dont think they have to do any catching up…. They just appear to be moving the OS from more Business to more Consumer based, do you really think Apple has it in them to do ‘innovation’ this big again.. Nah about once every 6 years they pollish something up.. They will be riding this same train for a while…