Windows Mobile 6 T-Mobile Dash Bluetooth ActiveSync Video Demo

I could never get my T-Mobile SDA Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone to work with ActiveSync over a wireless Bluetooth connection. There was nothing wrong with the old Belkin USB Bluetooth adapter on my desktop or ActiveSync since other Windows Mobile devices could sync with it over Bluetooth. Fortunately, my new T-Mobile Dash with the Windows Mobile 6 upgrade doesn’t suffer from this problem. The new WM6 communications center has an ActiveSync button (unlike WM5’s comm center) to make the whole process of wireless syncing Bluetooth a bit easier. I recorded a brief video (1 minute 28 seconds) this evening to give you an idea of what the Bluetooth ActiveSync process looks like. You can find the YouTube link to the video below…

Video: Windows Mobile 6 T-Mobile Dash Bluetooth ActiveSync Demo


5 responses to “Windows Mobile 6 T-Mobile Dash Bluetooth ActiveSync Video Demo”

  1. todd Avatar

    059: Look at this blog entry/tip: Tips for ActiveSync with Bluetooth

  2. '059 Avatar

    when I try to connect to my computer through bluetooth, they connect to each other, but the only think they can do is make my computer into a head set. how to I let it xfer data?

  3. Will Avatar

    Monica, just go to the windows mobile to download activesync again.

    completely free

  4. monica Avatar

    i have misplaced my installation cd for activesync. Can i download it from my computer from somewhere and install that way? Where can i get this download?

  5. Matt Avatar

    I upgraded as well to WM 6 but I still can’t sync via bluetooth. When I select ‘sync via bluetooth’ it always fails when exchanging passkeys. Did you have any similar problems?